Friday, February 13, 2015

The Past

About seven years in the past
some stupid asshole
was moaning about "good clean food"
being served at all their parties
and the implication there
was either that it was not clean at all
or he trafficked in a crowd
that knew bad clean non-food
or it was some stupid drug analogy
or he had enough meth crammed in his face
that he felt the phrase ::good clean food::
sounded better and more relevant than
good clean face
which i like better
as a concept
and as a something.

ancient Light
why did work your way
into my desire
ancient Truth
what ahle-hall did we know each other
and did i garb myself in you
like charnel
or did you chaff at my robe
just begging for plaintive nudity
at the expense of some reprehensive following
that used to know Poetry as the News
following the after morning aftershocks
of some damn DOS phrase
or grumbling in the bowels of Hell
that must have shot itself through the ancient human mind
leaving me here on my own
and with less friends
then a solitary anut
traversing across a concrete plane roughed by diamond particulars
and old Western nonsense of formentations. 

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